Irish Times to Write Down Value of

Just pure speculation on my part, but given that they reportedly paid €50m to buy back in August 2006 I wonder what the valuation would be today? Vs – Page Views on Alexa
And before anyone jumps on me about Alexa data – yes I know. But for trending it can still be useful.
TBH I think I’d be more concerned if I were right now. From the looks of things they are getting killed.
The usual disclaimers to the above apply – all just guesswork. Happy new year BTW
My bet is that was roughly around 95% too high of a price to pay for myhome
It’s comical that you consider what they do to promote it – what must be massively expensive primetime radio slots on Newstalk with that bloke from Bachelors Walk …. thousands of houses, one poxy droning d4 accent.
Combined with that, the usability of the site is atrocious, their email alerts include duplicates (rock hard to fix that I’m sure), and they never add any new features.
Bad buy.
Comment by Mark Stanley — January 3, 2008 @ 6:20 pm
Best of all – since the purchase I’ve seen no efforts to leverage the brand or site. Seems like little or no integration at all. Which makes me think that they may have had no strategy at all when they bought it.
Of course the previous owners laughed all the way to the bank…
Comment by Richard Hearne — January 6, 2008 @ 6:33 am is aer lingus and daft are ryanair. We love myhome employees. They rock and they are the best to deal with. The only time daft calls is when they need money! Myhome is a business for estate agengs and daft are a cheap unprofessional service provider. I could not imagine the Times or even the Independent purchasing daft. Maybe the News of the world.
Comment by Boland — November 27, 2008 @ 6:43 pm
Hi Boland
Would you care to declare if you have some reason for your bias? Like the fact that you’re posting from an IP one tick away from
I’ve no problem with employees having opinions or allegiances, but if your going to slag off your competitors at least have the balls to admit who you are.
“We love ourselves” you mean?
Comment by Richard Hearne — December 1, 2008 @ 11:48 pm