If Your Site Can Be Found For The Right Search Phrases You Will Make Money.
Right now people are actively searching for your products, services and information. Are they finding your site?
Search is the most common activity on the Internet. Millions upon millions of searches are made every day by people searching for goods, services and information. With over 100 million websites now living on the web the competition for visitors has never been so intense. And the reward for highly ranked sites has never been greater.
How Can You Connect With Searchers?
There are two options when it comes to ranking well in the major Search Engines: You can pay for Sponsored listings, or you can achieve high organic rankings through Search Engine Optimisation.
Sponsored listings are available through Google Adwords as well as many other Pay-Per-Click (PPC) systems. PPC is fantastic for short-term promotion of your website. You can simply spend your way to the top of the sponsored ranks and receive instant traffic to your site.
Search Engine Optimisation, the process of achieving high rankings in the organic listings you see on the left of the Search results, offers far higher returns than PPC promotion:
Organic Listings Receive Up To 9 Times More Traffic Than Sponsored Listings
When people conduct a search at their favourite search engine the results returned are split into organic results (on the left of the screen) and sponsored results (on the right). Searchers tend to click on the organic results between 80 and 90 per cent of the time. This means that for every click on a sponsored listing there are up to 9 searchers clicking on the organic results. Ranking well in the organic results will result in a dramatic increase in targeted traffic to your website.
Top Organic Positions Receive The Most Clicks
So now you know that up to 90% of all clicks are on the organic search results on the left. But how many clicks does each position receive? Well here’s the answer:
The number #1 ranked website for any search phrase enjoys a massive 42% of all organic search traffic. And between 80% and 90% of ALL searchers click on those organic listings.
33-38% of ALL Searchers Visit The Number #1 Ranked Organic Result
The number #1 organic result receives between 200% and 400% more clicks than all the Paid Sponsored Listings on the first results page combined. And the website in that same number #1 position doesn’t pay one penny for those clicks.
I Can Help You Connect With People Actively Searching For Your Goods And Services
I have over 6 years experience helping site owners achieve high rankings in the major search engines. I don’t guarantee number #1 placement, but do regularly achieve that rank for many of my clients. I have considerable experience with multi-territory enterprise-class SEO, and have worked at the highest levels. Instead of making guarantees that no SEO should, I target well defined ranking ranges for the search phrases that will connect your website with people who are actively searching for your products, services or information.
Removing Your Risk
Their can be no concrete guarantees with Search Engine Optimisation, but I am confident in my own ability and offer performance-related payment plans where they make sense for both parties.
What should I do now?
My bandwidth to take on new projects is constrained, but I’m always on the lookout for challenging projects. If you think you fit that description then please get in touch:
info [at] redcardinal [.] ie or call my mobile 086 818 8480
and supply your website address. I will carry out due diligence on your site and target market, and let you know what I find.
If you call and a nice American lady talks about reaching a mailbox please leave a message. Sorry about that – my VOIP mailbox is not configurable, but I will return every call.
One Final Note For Charity Websites
If you are a registered charity and would like some advice or assistance I am very happy to donate a few hours when available in return for a simple thank you :).