Golden Spiders Take #3
These results cover websites short-listed in categories 9 through 12.
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UPDATE: These days I'm much more active over on Google+.
Welcome to Red Cardinal, a blog dedicated to my work online with Search Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation "SEO", website Usability "Ux" and general Online Marketing Strategy in Ireland.
My name is Richard Hearne and I help website owners connect directly with the prospective customers and clients who are actively searching for relevant online services, products and information. Traffic is not the final metric - I also help site owners convert more visitors into customers. (Find out more about my SEO services, and I will be introducing Conversion Optimisation info shortly.)
This blog contains my personal observations about Search Engine Optimization SEO, Search Marketing and general Online Marketing Strategies with a particular emphasis on the Irish web world. I have a particular interest in SEO, a subject which evolves daily as the major Search Engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) update their algorithms and technology. This constant Search Engine flux means that the tactics which achieved high rankings previously quickly become outdated - I believe up-to-date knowledge is the key to successful Internet marketing.
I hope my blog will become a point of conversation, a resource for others and a channel for transferring knowledge about all things related to Online Marketing and SEO in Ireland and beyond.
These results cover websites short-listed in categories 9 through 12.
Continue reading this post »This is the second batch of results for the analysis of the Golden Spiders short-listed websites.
This sample includes the Best Web Design Agency category.
Continue reading this post »The Golden Spiders are billed as Ireland’s ‘Oscars’ for the Internet industry. With over 100 websites nominated I decided to take a look at the accessibility and coding standards of each site.
Here’s the first batch of results.
Continue reading this post »Any web designer touting “compliant coding standards” as a USP should do just one thing before he does so – validate your own website first.
Continue reading this post »We now have over 100m websites hosted on the planet.
Finding what your looking for is getting more important every single day and the growth in content means that our reliance on the search engine is set to increase.
Continue reading this post »Marketing your on-line property has never been so important. Think about it for a minute – if people cant find your website they cant find you and they cant buy your products.
Continue reading this post »Using some reverse psychology to sell your phishing scam. Now if you could just get a decent English speaking copywriter you’ll be emptying those PermanentTSB accounts in no time.
Continue reading this post »Politicians are embracing the Internet as a very modern soap box, not only to get their message across, but also to manipulate the message their opponents are able to portray.
Continue reading this post »The Internet can become a means for change when enough of the community want that change. And so Damien Blake, a Donegal councillor has set out on a campaign to leverage the power of the Internet to make our roads a safer place.
Continue reading this post »Rich interactive media is fast becoming common-place on the Internet. Low cost bandwidth coupled with the rising penetration of the Web globally is driving marketers to look toward new media to get their message across.
Continue reading this post »Google can now crawl and index URL’s containing an ‘&id’ parameter in their query string.
Continue reading this post »I’d really hate to be the guy or gal who gave Ireland this first.
If you want a good laugh…
Continue reading this post »Don’t you just love it when you can have it your own way? Getting things on your terms is the best way, isn’t it?
Well that’s the beauty of RSS – giving your readers the content they want when and how they want it benefits you and benefits your audience.
Continue reading this post »The biggest Internet companies on the globe are busy creating online services to organise our lives.
And then there’s a David that might just be the future. This could be serious…
Continue reading this post »Unconditional Google love is something we all want. Let’s face it, Google is one of the top referrers in the world so keeping her happy has to be one of the most important jobs of any webmaster.
Here are my 10 top tips to getting and keeping that Google love.
Continue reading this post »E-mail spam is a scourge. SEO e-mail spam makes me particularly nauseous.
And when it’s Irish born? Thank you but does quite nicely without your kind offer.
Continue reading this post »Many of us love Google. Everyday we rely on countless Google services to make our lives a little bit better.
But what happens when Google wont play ball with your website? Here are 13 deadly sins that are sure to see your webmaster advances spurned by Google.
Continue reading this post »Could this User Interface be the future of blog commenting?
Check out this innovative UI built on Yahoo’s User Interface Library.
Continue reading this post »If you use SEM to promote your site then you could do a lot worse than check out this recent post from the Hitwise blog.
Continue reading this post »Can your domain name help you get top rankings in the Google?
Well this little experiment might help us find out.
Continue reading this post »Could Google be able to listen to a politician talking and predict with accuracy whether they are telling porkies?
You better believe it!
Continue reading this post »Enterprise Ireland are the body tasked with representing Ireland’s business interests across the globe.
Having an accessible and usable website might be a good start?
Continue reading this post »RSS is a really great transport for delivering your content to the widest possible Internet audience. Unfortunately it appears that no one bothered to tell Ireland’s top media and news organisations.
Continue reading this post »Looking for a quick and easy way to combine multiple Google analytics accounts?
Well look no further – here’s a quick 5 step guide.
Continue reading this post »Well this is definitely my last post about Dublin Coastal Development and Funda Ireland, whose website finally went live today without a bang.
Continue reading this post »I opened my RSS reader this morning to find that Google had completely renovated the place. And I’m not talking a lick of paint here.
Continue reading this post »Discovering Google search volumes for any given phrase is a notoriously difficult task. Google offers a number of tools to help webmasters and site owners to research the keyword phrases people are interested in.
Continue reading this post »Link count is one of the most valuable currencies in Search Engine Optimisation. Trusted links are the most valuable by far.
Sometimes links can be your friend, but sometimes they can be your enemy…
Continue reading this post »Well the buzz about Dublin Property Company is certainly taking off. Well done to Funda Ireland and their marketing folk for putting together a great campaign.
Continue reading this post »By far and away the best example of viral marketing I have seen come out of Ireland recently, The Dublin Coastal Development is a very slick on-line marketing campaign that is being talked about quite a bit on Irish blogs.
Continue reading this post »If you were to ask 100 people in the street ‘Which Irish companies have benefited the most form the economic boom over the past decade?‘ I’m quite sure what the majority of the responses would be.
It’s unusual to think that probably the richest and most powerful indigenous sector of the Irish economy is so poorly represented on-line.
Continue reading this post »Hanging around in Internet cafes in Asia has reminded me just how much I hate MS Internet Explorer .
Continue reading this post »I have to admit that the whole blogging thing has quite a steep learning curve for me. I had never blogged or posted my views before launching Red Cardinal’s blog around the end of July.
Continue reading this post »Sometimes you need to know what websites are linking to yours (or, cleverer still, what websites link to your competitors). Sometimes you need to know what websites are linking to the websites linking to yours (bit of a tongue-twister that one). Site Explorer from Yahoo is a great tool that can help you out.
Continue reading this post »It’s funny how arch rivals sometimes sweet up to each other. Well OK, it seems a lot more likely that there is a problem with Google’s index, but the current #1 position on Google for ‘seo ireland’ is Yahoo!
Continue reading this post »You may or may not have heard of Thomas Fuchs’ which is a Javascript effects library written on top of Sam Stephenson’s popular Prototype library.
Well the new Gucci site is built on top of these excellent Javascipt libraries and you may be interested in taking a look.
Continue reading this post »Previously invite-only, Google Analytics has now opened to the masses for business.
Continue reading this post »I just have to post this – so cool! Via Check it out! What better endorsement could Mozilla want?
Continue reading this post »Well after some gentle persuasion of MySQL the AOL-data.tgz files have surrendered some interesting, if not wholly unexpected, information about the relative strengths and click through rates of SERP positions. The dataset contained 36,389,567 search queries with 19,434,540 clickthroughs. While we all knew the importance of the top 3 positions in the Google SERPs, this […]
Continue reading this post »I frequent many webmaster and SE forums which are great places to keep in touch with and learn about the ever changing SEO world. While the largest and best known forums provide exceptional information, the biggest problem I have is getting information specific to the Irish web market. The work I do (which, yes I […]
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