Access To Keyword Discovery For $1

Ok, that’s a little bit misleading, but you do get trial access to the Keyword Discovery database for $1.
As there has been quite a bit of discussion recently over on the Enterprise Ireland board about SEO and keywords, I thought this post might be timely.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is probably one of the most important elements of any SEO campaign. Unfortunately keyword research is also very difficult to conduct. In a nutshell, no one method of keyword research is infallible. You have to mix it up. So the more tools you use the better the possible results.
Keyword Discovery
There are many keyword research services available, some free, some not. Keyword Discovery is one such service. It has built a solid reputation over the years for the breadth of it’s keyword database. The only downside is the cost – $69 per month for the cheapest plan.
For the past 2 months I have been Beta testing a new service – Nichebot2 (yes, that’s an affiliate link, but I don’t go bandying those around willy nilly, and I only earn something if you like the service). Nichebot2 basically gives you a finite amount of access to the Keyword Discovery Premium service for a much lower monthly fee.
As I mentioned, I’ve been trying it out, and find both interface and functionality to be very good (better than Keyword Discovery). Many of the features are very well thought out (e.g. facilities to save, sort, export, clean and filter lists) and the site includes good video tutorials to help you on your way. There are also some good free tools if you’re just looking for some short keyword lists.
Nichebot2 goes live on November 14 and trial accounts cost just $1. The monthly subscription thereafter is $9.95/$19.95 depending on the service level. You can also buy top-up credits if you go over your monthly search allowance.
The affiliate link wont cost you any more, but if you prefer just a plain link, here you are.
Shame on you Richard for your deception. I only read this post because I thought I’d only have to spend $1
I wonder, what are the terms on sharing the accounts and what are the search limits? (On NB2)
I cannot access right now… normally, I would read.
Comment by Dave Davis — November 14, 2006 @ 10:17 am
Sorry Dave
Got you to read the post though
It’s really a very good interface. I was very impresses – it’s far better than the KD interface and the data is coming directly from Keyword Discovery.
As a rule I don’t rely on any one source because that leads to fingers burnt syndrome. I’m using at least 3 sources at all times, 2 of which are paid.
Accounts are simply password protected so I cant see any issues with minimal sharing of passwords.
I can’t tell you the limits because my Beta account gave me X searches and then I just topped up. You can buy credits as you go.
I think the trial idea for $1 is a no-brainer – you get to see how it works and can decide for yourself. Unfortunately I don’t have further details on the package structure just yet.
Goes live later today (it’s on US time).
Hope people don’t think I’m selling my soul – I really do like the tool (but some of the ‘long-page’ American advertising makes me sick).
Comment by Richard Hearne — November 14, 2006 @ 10:48 am
[...] As I wrote previously, I’m using NicheBot (that’s an affiliate link) which has some great features for generating and processing keyword lists. Recently I’ve also added another professional tool to the armoury which I’m really liking a lot (I’ll post about that later). [...]
Pingback by Overture Keyword Tool Dead and Wordtracker Fills the Void? | Search Engine Optimisation Ireland .:. Red Cardinal — January 31, 2007 @ 8:52 am
[...] written before about the keyword tools I use (you can still get trial access to Keyword Discovery and Wordtracker data for $1 [...]
Pingback by My Favorite Keyword Tool | Search Engine Optimisation & Online Marketing Ireland .:. Red Cardinal — August 16, 2007 @ 10:42 am