Want Loyal Customers? Give Them What They Want How They Want It.

I have to say that I think RSS is a life-saver. As a reader of quite a few SEO, marketing and Internet related blogs/websites it’s great to just login once to view the whole shebang. By simply aggregating all of my daily information sources in one place (Google Reader personally) I can view and digest far more information than otherwise, all on my own terms.
The real beauty for the RSS publisher however, is that by offering multiple channels for your content you are absolutely maximising the possible coverage you can receive.
People are more likely to remain loyal when you offer what they want on their own terms.
The other day I came across Downloadsquad.com and what really caught my attention was their RSS feed page (sorry for the long image but you’ll see why):
Alongside their main feed they offer feeds based on categories, feeds based on platforms, feeds about companies – the list goes on. Quite simply Downloadsquad.com are giving me what I want how I want it. Personally, I think it’s a fantastic feature.
Now, I wonder how long it will take Ireland’s main news and media properties to offer us this kind of choice?
As you mentioned already, it’s a real shame the majority of the Irish media networks have not utilized RSS. Personally, I think it is because they have not figured out how to monetize feeds yet. Feed advertising is fairly new.
To be honest, most people I know that are not directly in the ICT industry have no clue what RSS is and have no interest.
I think educating is the key here.
I personally use feedreader, with a few extras I coded in myself. What I love about RSS is how quick I receive the information. I have secured sales and made some decent money based on how fast I was updated. Basically I was first in the queue thanks to up to the minute information I received via RSS.
Comment by Dave — October 23, 2006 @ 11:19 pm
Great points! Love the post
Comment by Joel — November 11, 2008 @ 3:39 pm