Interesting watching a Penguin 1.0 hit site now float back up to a natural ranking….

Interesting watching a Penguin 1.0 hit site now float back up to a natural ranking. Site was abandoned after Penguin 1.0 – no remedial work done, and now back ranking relatively well.
Just one thing I've seen out of this latest update.
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This post was first made on the Richard Hearne Google+ profile.
which period was the penalty lifted?
Comment by Willy Thuan — October 22, 2014 @ 1:34 am
The penalty was applied by the very first Penguin in April 2012. It looks to be lifted now more than 2.5yrs later with the introduction of Penguin 3.
Comment by Richard Hearne — October 22, 2014 @ 1:45 am