I suspect some if the methods discussed here go well beyond classification of site…

I suspect some if the methods discussed here go well beyond classification of site links, and may indicate how overall scoring of links occurs. This also goes to show just how advanced the rendering abilities of Google may be.
Great work from +Bill Slawski (as usual), and very much worth reading if you're an SEO.
Reshared post from +Bill Slawski
Visual SitelinksGoogle has a new granted patent and a newly published patent application on the sitelinks that they might show in search results for a site. Are sitelinks showing for your site, and if not, why not?
Embedded Link
How Google May Choose Sitelinks in Search Results Based upon Visual or Functional Significance – SEO by the Sea
A new Google Granted Patent and Patent Application describe how search results site links might be generated for a site, and what factors Google may look at when deciding.
Google+: View post on Google+
This post was first made on the Richard Hearne Google+ profile.
I scanned through the article yesterday, and I need to read it.
Comment by Edwin Jonk — June 16, 2015 @ 8:53 am