+Aaron Bradley quick question for you if I may

+Aaron Bradley quick question for you if I may. Do you know whether Google's prescribed JSON-LD practice of including the entire article in the "articleBody" property is actually followed by many websites? If not is there a more realistic way to identify the articleBody?
Thanks in advance!
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This post was first made on the Richard Hearne Google+ profile.
Hi +Richard Hearne!
I wouldn't necessary call this "prescriptive" as its use isn't required by Google (at least not for article rich snippets - http://bit.ly/1FSxAJJ). But if you are providing a value for this in JSON-LD, then it does need to be included in the JSON-LD code block (i.e. because the expected type for articleValue is text, you can't use a URL that points to the article text).
I frankly wouldn't worry too much about this unless, for some reason, the article body (that is, the HTML of the article itself) isn't being made available to Google in a spiderable fashion – and then I'd if possible strip out the code and just include the text in articleBody.
See also:
Comment by Aaron Bradley — August 11, 2015 @ 5:54 pm