Best New Indigenous website in 2007
What exactly is an indigenous website? But I could swear I’ve seen that site somewhere else…
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Standards Category – Posts related to the use of Web Standards and how web standards can affect SEO and Online Marketing.
What exactly is an indigenous website? But I could swear I’ve seen that site somewhere else…
Continue reading this post »With a quickly expanding number of ‘grey surfers’ it’s vital that you’re site is as accessible as possible to all visitors.
Perhaps the NCH need to take some time checking the front door…
Continue reading this post »The Companies Registration Office website ( is a great resource for competitive business intelligence. All Irish limited companies are required to submit proper statements of account which can yield some very interesting competitive information.
I’m quite sure that a lot of money has been invested into the site over the years, and the most recent upgrade probably didn’t come cheap, but why is it that public bodies are permitted to use tax payers funds without a requirement for a bare minimum of standards in the delivered outcome…
Continue reading this post »“Cloaking outsmarts the search engines to increase your listings, and increase your web site traffic by a hit generating tool.”
This is going to be controversial.
Continue reading this post »Use Javascsript well and you get some of the best web-based applications like Gmail and Google Reader.
Use Javascript where you should really be using plain HTML? Well here’s a nice $65m example that teaches a good lesson.
Continue reading this post »Here comes the iPhone. It looks great, Apple are fated for their customer-centric products, and the feature set may revolutionise how we interact with our phones.
But could the iPhone herald the genesis of the Mobile Internet we are waiting to get?
Continue reading this post »As the title suggests, this is A Really Simple Guide to RSS.
Continue reading this post »A study into the Accessibility of major Government, Public and Political websites.
The full study is available for download from within this post.
Continue reading this post »The entries this year were outstanding and testament to the strength of the Irish internet industry. These awards provide an important opportunity to recognise and showcase online excellence.
Mr. Cathal Magee, MD eircom
Continue reading this post »I wouldn’t have this to write about
What you do with your private website is entirely up to you.
But what happens when it’s a public website we’re talking about?
Continue reading this post »We all want them. Visitors have a better experience. Searchers find what they’re looking for. Site owners enjoy more prosperity. And the Internet community have something to pour praise on. So what’s holding Ireland’s websites back?
Continue reading this post »The full results from the accessibility and standards compliance analysis of all websites short-listed for the 2006 Golden Spiders awards.
Continue reading this post »Notes to accompany my analysis.
Continue reading this post »Here are the results for those websites short-listed in categories 13 – 16.
Continue reading this post »These results cover websites short-listed in categories 9 through 12.
Continue reading this post »This is the second batch of results for the analysis of the Golden Spiders short-listed websites.
This sample includes the Best Web Design Agency category.
Continue reading this post »The Golden Spiders are billed as Ireland’s ‘Oscars’ for the Internet industry. With over 100 websites nominated I decided to take a look at the accessibility and coding standards of each site.
Here’s the first batch of results.
Continue reading this post »Any web designer touting “compliant coding standards” as a USP should do just one thing before he does so – validate your own website first.
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