If I Had Taken My Own Advice….

I am now the (proud?) owner of Internet Explorer 7. Had I taken my own advice I’d still be able to view the Cork City Council website. But, hey, I have automatic updates to thank for this post
Ok, so the story about Cork City Council winning a 2005 Golden Spider is old news. And everyone knows that their site’s only happy in IE:
The text is a wee bit small in that shot, so let me quote the warning in the footer:
Due to browser compatibility issues at present, this site will only operate correctly by using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater
and then I’m offered a link to ‘upgrade?’.
Well that’s all fine and dandy. So how about the site in Internet Explorer 7:
I think they need to rewrite their warning to:
Due to browser compatibility issues at present, this site will only operate correctly by using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 to 6.0
*If* they are sniffing the browser, they must be doing it server-side. Actually, requesting with an IE6 user-agent still returns the upgrade link.
And considering that IE7 is now a high priority update, they might want to try and sort this out.
Honestly, how can a site that only works in IE 5.5 – 6.0 be given an award for ‘Best Public Sector Website – Local’?
I am now relatively sure that standards and compatibility are not criteria in any part of the Golden Spiders judging process.
Does anyone know if corkcorp.ie was built in-house or contracted out?
Once again another excellent post.
I was actually displaying this exact same page to someone on Tuesday to see how it rendered in IE 7. I always show it as an example of poor web design to my students. I would just love to know how much it cost.
The case for starting “The Golden Cardinals” is gaining momentum.
Comment by Brian — November 16, 2006 @ 10:23 am
“Does anyone know if corkcorp.ie was built in-house or contracted out?”
- Aliens Richard, the aliens did it. There is no other possible answer. Or maybe it was people from Kerry? I suppose they’re both the same thing at the end of the day really.
It really is a shambles of a website. I’d love to actually met the person who designed it. I have so many questions to ask.
Comment by Cormac — November 16, 2006 @ 10:27 pm
Nah – I reckon the aliens knew that IE7 was coming. Didn’t you know they have an underground base in Redmond?
*squirms into corner wearing tin-hat*
Comment by Richard — November 16, 2006 @ 11:25 pm
Hi Brian
Sorry your comment got marked as spam. But if it’s any consolation so did the comment I left above when I wasn’t logged-in
Have to send askimet another mail. It’s a right pain in the rear when your email address gets flagged as a spammer on askimet. It affects you all over the place.
Do you teach/lecture?
Comment by Richard Hearne — November 16, 2006 @ 11:28 pm