Search Marketing World 2007, ShareIT Cork, and A Few Other Pieces of Irish SEO News

Well, another week flashes by and with so much to report I suppose it’s best to do a review post.
Search Marketing World 2007
Ireland’s first conference dedicated to Search Marketing hit our shores on Wednesday March 21 in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham. The highlight for me was meeting some of the Irish guys who have become on-line friends over the past 12 months. To Dave, Jason, Stephen and Alastair – the pleasure was mine.
Prosperity gave out a great little USB flash-drive to each attendee – great idea guys. It was nice that one of the first faces to greet me on arrival was Gary from Prosperity. I met Gary late last year, and he’s one of the most amiable people I’ve met on my travels. If you need a media-focused recruitment agency give prosperity a call.
The conference itself was very well organised. I wont go into detail on the sessions as I bobbed and weaved quite a bit. Both Jason and Dave have excellent write-ups on the sessions they attended and their overall thoughts of the conference. The sessions that stood out for me personally were the “Search Facts and Figures in Ireland” session in the morning and the “Ad Agencies and Search” session that closed out the day.
I do think it was a shame that not even one session was set aside for advanced material (‘Advanced Track’ – for who??), but I suppose the organisers were somewhat precluded from straying from very entry-level subject matter given the small and nascent Search market here in Ireland.
It was also nice to meet and chat with Danny Sullivan. It is quite true what they say about Danny – he’s a really nice guy who absolutely blows you away with his knowledge and understanding of the search world.
Well done Martin, and perhaps next year you’ll find a small room to run some advanced sessions for the professional SEOs out here.
ShareIT Cork – Business Advisory
Now this was just hands-down a fantastic idea. Damien organised a free one-day training conference for start-ups and small companies. Damien pulled together some fantastic speakers (can’t speak for yours truly) and I found that everything discussed would benefit my own business. This for me is a great indicator that both speakers and content were absolutely top-notch.
I have to admit that I probably warbled on a bit (Damien almost fell asleep when I was talking LOL), but I suppose SEO can be a difficult subject to squeeze into a one hour talk (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it). My presentation will be getting some substantial tweaking next time it is called upon.
It was great to meet up with everyone there on the day, and in particular Krishna, who is a fantastic speaker, and Laurence of IQcontent who I chatted with extensively for the second time in a week. After we managed to miss the next train afterwards Laurence and I grabbed a bite to eat, and then chatted for most of the train journey home. I can re-affirm what Dave said.
Perhaps biggest thanks are due to Damien who once again displayed his enormous propensity for helping others. Very, very well done Damien. I’m sure you slept like a rock after sitting through my presentation.
To all the attendees – I’ll get all the links and presentation material zipped up and make it available either here or through Damien.
Keep an eye on the Business Advisory site for the next event happening near you. I’d personally be happy to pay to attend and event like this, so the fact that it is completely free makes it a complete no-brainer. Well done again Damien.
Some other bits and bobs
Well done also to Dave Davis who now becomes the second Irish SEO blogger to join the illustrious ranks of the WebProNews network. This now means that selected posts from both my blog and Dave’s will be syndicated across the iEntry network. It might not sound like much but take a look at the list of bloggers and you’ll appreciate the significance of this. Dave’s name should be joining the list sometime next week.
Well done Dave.
I’ve Been Stalked!
But in the nice way. I was approached by a Dublin college to lecture a course in Internet Marketing. Unfortunately prior commitments meant I was unavailable to lecture the course in question. It was a shame as I believe there is desperate need for a course that takes a contemporary look at Internet marketing and offers hands-on instruction in achieving marketing goals via the Internet. To my knowledge nothing along these lines is currently being offered in Ireland.
A very big hat-tip to John Coburn for referring me to the institution in question.
Will I be leaving the Irish SEO scene?
And finally, a very well known global Internet Marketing Firm has approached me with a view to joining them in London. While extremely flattered, I’m just having too much fun working for myself here in Ireland. But it’s really nice to know that my work is starting to get noticed on a higher stage.
So the bad news is that I won’t be leaving the Irish SEO scene just yet.
I was actually fascinated by your presentation and learned a lot but was distracted by severe back pain and text messages flying in to me. You’ve made me rethink some of my ideas on SEO and I’ll deffo be changing the ways I do some things. Thanks for coming down to Cork and doing it all for free.
Comment by Damien Mulley — March 25, 2007 @ 1:33 pm
Ditto what Damien said Richard, really great to see SEO from the ground up. I was very familiar with the semantics and keywords loading already but found the “silo” pages idea really really useful. It also has a huge cross-over with information architecture and usability i.e. providing a logical and intuitive structure for your users.
Great to share the train journey home too – must catch up again soon.
Comment by Laurence Veale — March 25, 2007 @ 4:09 pm
Hey guys
I’m delighted that you got some use out of my various ramblings. We’ll all be in touch.
@Lar – Jonathan Mendez blog.
Comment by Richard Hearne — March 25, 2007 @ 4:58 pm
Yup, thanks Richard. Good to meet you, have been looking at some of the resources you mentioned – have the ‘Flagship Content’ pdf sitting on my desktop waiting to be read. Intrigued as to what it is!
Pity there wasn’t time for coffee and shooting the breeze afterward.
Comment by frankp — March 25, 2007 @ 5:52 pm
Sounds like an excellent week of getting SEO’d up. I must try harder to make an appearance at some of these seminars.
Comment by Cormac Moylan — March 25, 2007 @ 6:19 pm
Hi Frank
Nice of you to come along. Good to meet up and please shoot an email my way toward the end of the week (busy right now) and I’ll check that RSS URL for you.
Hi Cormac
I’m not sure if you are in Dublin, but the next event is apparently going to be here in Dublin. Check the Business Advisory blog for more.
Comment by Richard Hearne — March 25, 2007 @ 6:43 pm
Any chance that you can forward on the Cork Presentation ? Or put it online ?
Comment by paul — March 26, 2007 @ 6:52 am
Hi Paul
I’ll be putting up the slides and resources, but the post is password protected. It goes live at 17:30 today. Send me an email and I’ll send you the password.
Comment by Richard Hearne — March 26, 2007 @ 7:23 am
Congratulations Richard and all involved. Reviews of the event show it was a roaring success. Would have loved to have been there. Maybe in the future.
Regarding the course, as I mentioned at SMW, I was actually going to take the course to see what information was being passed out. Looks like I’ll be leaving it so!
And what’s all this about you being poached? Care to share the company in question? You never mentioned anything about this the last time I saw you!
Comment by Dave Davis — March 26, 2007 @ 10:07 am
Hello Richard,
Just a short thank you for your hat-tip!
Glad to see all is going well for you. Your blog is one of the best on the internet and is a great credit to you – well done and best regards! – John
Comment by John Coburn — March 26, 2007 @ 10:17 am
Hi Dave
I edited out the course name as I don’t think it appropriate to publish the name of the college in question. My memory is poor at the best of times, but I thought I told you about the company in question pushing out a consulting arm. I’ll email you the details (hush, hush).
Hi John
Thanks for your comment. At some stage or other I might touch base with a view to meeting up. Something that I’ve been thinking about a bit recently, and you might have an interest also.
Rgds to both
Comment by Richard Hearne — March 26, 2007 @ 10:22 am
Ahhh, sorry about that. In fairness though, it’s the only one in Ireland
You had a lot to say on Wednesday, so it probably just slipped my mind. I’ll wait for the mail anyway.
Comment by Dave Davis — March 26, 2007 @ 10:29 am
I don’t get out enough LOL.
Biggest problem for me is that my brain tends to work a little bit slower than my gob
Comment by Richard Hearne — March 26, 2007 @ 10:40 am
Hi Richard – would be delighted to meet. Apologies for brevity of not as I must rush. Best wishes / John
Comment by John Coburn — March 26, 2007 @ 10:42 am
[...] More reviews of the event are here, here, here and here. [...]
Pingback by Clear Communication » ShareIT Cork - a great success — March 26, 2007 @ 2:36 pm
Hi Richard
Regarding your comment on the lack of Internet Marketing – the Dublin Business School ( is providing such a course. This is an intensive 10 week course. I am giving this course, entitled Diploma in Internet Marketing. There are 30 or so folks on this course and the students, most of them marketers, come from a range companies from Google through to self emplyed. If you need any further details regarding this course, just let me know.
Anthony Quigley
Comment by Anthony — March 26, 2007 @ 3:34 pm
Hi Anthony
I actually have the details of the course – this was the course I was referring to above. I’d be interested to hear how it’s going. Might shoot you an email.
Best rgds
Comment by Richard Hearne — March 26, 2007 @ 4:29 pm
Hi Richard,
It was really good to catch up with you at the event, thanks very much for your kind words, very much appreciated.
kind Regards,
Comment by Pros — March 27, 2007 @ 8:01 am
Thanks for coming down to Cork, from a ShareIT audience member, great talk!
I was waiting for these guys to rush in during your talk
Comment by David Copithorne — March 27, 2007 @ 1:27 pm
Hi David
Thanks. I stuck the slides and resources up. If you would like the password fly me an email and I’ll forward it to you.
Comment by Richard Hearne — March 27, 2007 @ 1:34 pm